Home » Stop the Pressure week 2023

Stop the Pressure week 2023

Jan 10, 2024 | News, Other

The National Wound Care Strategy Programme joined forces with the Society of Tissue Viability and all 4 nations to create and deliver the campaign for Stop the Pressure Week 2023.

Taking place on the week commencing 13th of November 2023 (including Stop the Pressure Day itself on the 16th of November) the campaign aimed to raise awareness of the impact of pressure ulcers and demonstrate how they can be prevented. The theme was ‘Every Contact Counts’ to show how every contact with a clinician, health leader, bed, chair or media channel can potentially prevent pressure ulcers.

We provided £5,000 funding for the campaign, which was matched by the Society of Tissue Viability and contributed to the creation of multiple resources. These include:

  • Two study days (Advances in pressure ulcer prevention and management and Fundamentals of pressure ulcer prevention).
  • Two specialist webinars (What makes babies and children so much at risk of pressure ulcers and Preventing pressure ulcers in people with spinal injury).
  • A series of documents and videos to support the contact message
  • A 4 nations message
  • Social media resources such as email signatures, avatars, selfie boards and a range of posters around the ‘Every Contact Counts’ message
  • Bespoke red dots and lozenges supporting the ‘Every Contact Counts’ message
  • A quiz
  • A word search
  • A competition
  • A short video in Makaton – Watch

These resources are available on the Society of Tissue Viability website.