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Surgical Wounds

These resources support improving the care of surgical wounds.

Health and Care Professionals

Information to help health and care professionals care for people with surgical wounds.


After surgery, most wounds heal normally but sometimes there are problems. Here is some information to help.

Helping to care for your wound can help you and the professionals responsible for your wound care.

● Talk with your health care professional to agree on how you can help care for your wound.
● Know how to contact your healthcare professional if your symptoms get worse, do not improve or if you see signs of other problems such as infection.

NWCSP Surgical Wound Complications Recommendations – Download

NWCSP Surgical Wound Complications Clinical Pathway – Download

NWCSP Assessment for Shared Care – Download

NWCSP Online Learning Resources
These free-to-access e-learning resources have been developed in partnership with Health Education and e-Learning for Healthcare to support the health and care workforce in developing the knowledge and skills required to enable appropriate wound care to people in any setting.  These sessions are accessible for all health and care practitioners and have been written for learners at level 4 and above  – Visit
NWCSP Core Capabilities Framework for England
This capabilities programme has been developed in partnership with Health Education England and Skills for Health.  It  identifies and describes the skills, knowledge and behaviours required to deliver high quality, person-centred wound care.  It is a single, consistent and comprehensive framework, developed by and for an interprofessional audience, only a few of whom usually work within a designated and defined Tissue Viability Service – Visit

Helping to look after your own wound (or helping someone look after their wound) is likely to improve your quality of life and protect you from infection through reducing contact with others – Download

Watch how to change a wound dressing – Watch Video

Looking after your surgical wound at home (Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust video) – Watch Video

Looking after your surgical wound at home (Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust video – audio described version) – Watch Video

More information coming soon!

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