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CQUIN Data Submission

The data submission portal will open for Q1 data on 1st of July 2022, closing eight weeks later on 25th of August 2022. Dates have also been released for the subsequent quarterly CQUIN data collection periods for 2022/23:

Quarter 1: (Portal opens: 1st July 2022, Portal closes: 25th August 2022).

Quarter 2: (Portal opens: 3rd October 2022, Portal closes: 27th November 2022).

Quarter 3: (Portal opens: 3rd January 2023, Portal closes: 27th February 2023).

Quarter 4: (Portal opens: 3rd April 2023, Portal closes: 28th May 2023).

The CQUIN specifications document will be updated with this information (details of how to register for the portal can be found on page 7).

Organisations are reminded that although the financial incentive will only be earnable on up to five indicators, performance data should be submitted for all indicators relevant to the services which you are commissioned to deliver.

In the quarter 1 collection, you will be asked to confirm a) those indicators which are included in your financial incentive and b) all indicators which are relevant to the service you are commissioned to deliver, so will be submitting data for.

There should not be a scenario where an acute Trust does not confirm that they will be submitting data for the acute specific indicators. If those submitting data have any questions about this, please contact e.cquin@nhs.net

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